Tuesday, February 11, 2025

India Signed Bilateral Air Service Agreements With 116 Countries

By Staff Correspondent

Any designated foreign airline can operate to/from a point in India if it is designated as a point of call in the bilateral Air Services Agreement (ASA) signed between India and the country which has designated the airline. India has signed ASAs with 116 foreign countries.

Indian designated carriers are free to mount scheduled operations to/from any international airport, including Kannur International Airport, under the ambit of bilateral ASAs concluded by India with foreign countries.

Currently, due to significant imbalance in the number of points of call in favour of foreign carriers, the Government of India is not granting any non-metro airport as a new point of call to any foreign carrier for the purpose of operating passenger services.

Foreign countries with which India has signed Air Service Agreements

Sl. No.Name of the Country Sl. No.Name of the Country Sl. No.Name of the Country
 1.Afghanistan 46.Italy 91.Slovakia
2.Algeria 47.Jamaica 92.Slovenia
3.Armenia 48.Japan 93.South Africa
4.Australia 49.Jordan 94.Spain
5.Austria 50.Kazakhstan 95.Sri Lanka
6.Azerbaijan 51.Kenya 96.Sweden
7.Bahrain 52.Kuwait 97.Switzerland
8.Bangladesh 53.Kyrgyzstan 98.Syria
9.Barbados 54.Lao PDR          99.Taiwan
10.Belarus 55.Latvia 100.Tajikistan
11.Belgium 56.Lebanon 101.Tanzania
12.Bhutan 57.Lesotho 102.Thailand
13.Bosnia & Herzegovina 58.Lithuania 103.Trinidad & Tobago
14.Botswana 59.Luxembourg 104.Tunisia
15.Brazil 60.Macao 105.Turkey
16.Brunei 61.Madagascar 106.Turkmenistan
17.Bulgaria 62.Malaysia 107.UAE
18.Cambodia 63.Maldives 108.UK
19.Canada 64.Malta 109.Uganda
20.Chile 65.Mauritius 110.Ukraine
21.China 66.Mongolia 111.USA
22.Croatia 67.Mexico 112.Uzbekistan
23.Cyprus 68.Morocco 113.Vietnam
24.Czech Republic 69.Mozambique 114.Yemen
25.Denmark 70.Myanmar 115.Zambia
26.Djibouti 71.Nepal 116.Zimbabwe
27.Dominican Republic 72.Netherlands   
28.Egypt 73.New Zealand   
29.Ethiopia 74.Nigeria   
30.Fiji 75.Norway   
31.Finland 76.Oman   
32.France 77.Pakistan   
33.Georgia 78.Philippines   
34.Germany 79.Poland   
35.Ghana 80.Portugal   
36.Greece 81.Qatar   
37.Guyana 82.Rwanda   
38.Hong Kong 83.Republic of Korea   
39.Hungary 84.Russia   
40.Iceland 85.Romania   
41.Indonesia 86.Saudi Arabia   
42.Iran 87.Serbia   
43.Iraq 88.Senegal   
44.Ireland 89.Seychelles   
45.Israel 90.Singapore   

This information was given by the Minister of State for Civil Aviation Gen. (Dr) V. K. Singh (Retd) in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on 1 August 2022.


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