by Sayan Chatterjee http://@sayanyde
Ensuing the traffic data submitted by various domestic airlines a report has been analyzed for the month of April 2021 by DGCA. Lately, in a CAPA’s study report titled ‘Key Trends in Indian Aviation in FY2022, the leading aviation consulting, research, analytics and transaction advisory practice body hinted that as an impact of the second surge of covid has inflicted massive losses and have also increased debt burden on carriers those were organizationally ill-equipped to absorb the situational impact.
The second surge is expected to accelerate consolidation in the aviation industry resulting in two to three airlines operating in the domestic sector the aviation think tank has expressed in its report.

Passengers carried by domestic airlines during Jan-Apr 2021 were 291.08 lakhs as against 329.12 lakhs during the corresponding period of previous year thereby registering annual growth of -11.56%. Monthly growth is not calculated as there was suspension of scheduled domestic flight operations in the month of April 2020 due to COVID.

The overall cancellation rate of scheduled domestic airlines for the month of Apr 21 has been 2.62%. Airline-wise details of cancellations are as follows.
Passenger complaints during the month of April 2021, a total of 399 passenger related complaints had been received by the scheduled domestic airlines. The number of complaints per 10,000 passengers carried for the month of April 2021 has been around 0.70. The airline-wise details are as follows.

In entirety, the overall aviation industry is fear to counter serious losses in FY22, similar in scale to FY21, with a serious downside risk in the event of a protracted second wave, or the emergence of third wave, the report said, adding that many Indian airlines will struggle to recover from two consecutive years of such massive business impacts. IndiGo will be the only Indian carrier to emerge from this crisis significantly stronger relative to the other contenders, largely due to its very strong balance sheet, the CAPA report added.
About the author: Sayan Chatterjee is a Delhi-based, DCC qualified, defence beat writer and independent contributor to print and online publications